TEACH Education Day-EA

2021 TEACH Education Day
October 28, 2021

Making it Stick: Improving Instruction with Spacing and Retrieval Practice

Keynote speaker:

Megan A. Sumeracki, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Psychology
Rhode Island College

Research from cognitive psychology can be used to inform educational practices. In this professional development discussion, Dr. Sumeracki will describe two strategies that have robust evidence to support their use, spacing and retrieval practice. For both strategies, she will provide a brief overview of evidence to support its effectiveness, and focus on applications of the strategies that can be used in a variety of instructional settings. Finally, she will go over resources that are available on learningscientists.org to aid in further application.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe how cognitive psychologists develop and evaluate learning and teaching strategies
  • Describe the two key strategies discussed of spaced practice (sometimes called distributed practice) and retrieval practice
  • Discuss a plan for application of the strategies in their own instruction
  • Explain how learners can use the strategies independently to guide learning

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