Congratulations to the 2021 TEACH Award Recipients!

Educator Mentorship Award

The TEACH Educator Mentorship Award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated excellence in counseling and guidance towards others’ teaching practices, and/or educational research.

Bush Kavuru, MD
(Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine)


Feedback Award

The TEACH Feedback Award recognizes the challenging role of effectively and skillfully incorporating feedback into daily routines that focus on specific behaviors, assess performance, guide reflection, promote expertise, and identify a learner’s readiness to change.

Isaiah Johnson, MD
(Obstetrics & Gynecology)


Innovative Teaching Award

The TEACH Innovative Teaching Award recognizes the exceptional use of new teaching strategies or the implementation of existing strategies in new ways to enhance teaching.

The VTCSOM Pre-Clerkship and Clinical Teams led by
Tracey Criss, MD, Heidi Lane, EdD, and Tarin Schmidt-Dalton, MD

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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award (SoTL)

The TEACH Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award recognizes outstanding achievements in research, scholarly activity, and creative accomplishments that focus on the effectiveness of teaching methods.

Sarah Rivelli, MD
(Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine)


Rising Star Award

The TEACH Rising Star award recognizes emerging leaders in health professions education whose teaching experience, between one and five years, demonstrates ongoing and promising growth in contribution to teaching and increased levels of teaching leadership and responsibility.

Andrew Moore, MD
(Emergency Medicine)
